Effective Date: 14-Apr-2023
Last Updated: 13-Feb-2024


1.1. These rules apply to all Tenants of apartments in the Buildings at 118/19 Antonovycha St., Kyiv.

1.2. Before entering into the Lease Agreements, the Tenants are obliged to read the current Rules of Residence in the residential complex.

1.3. By entering into the Lease Agreement, the Tenant confirms that he/she is familiar with these Rules and undertakes to comply with them.


2.1. In order to conclude the Agreement, the Tenant shall provide the Landlord with duly certified copies of the following documents: a passport of a citizen of Ukraine, a foreign passport issued by other states, a residence permit, a certificate of assignment of a taxpayer registration number (identification code), a certificate of registration in Ukraine.

2.2. The Apartments shall be transferred for temporary paid use to the persons who have entered into the Agreement with the Landlord and paid the first instalments in accordance with the terms of the concluded Agreement.

2.3 The Tenant shall list all the Property transferred to him/her together with the Apartment and indicate all defects in the Apartment and the Property existing as of the date of acceptance of the Apartment and the Property for rent.

2.4. The Lessor shall provide the Lessee with 2 sets of keys to the Apartment. The Tenant is prohibited from making duplicate Keys on his/her own. Upon the order and at the expense of the Tenant, the Landlord will independently make duplicate keys in the amount ordered by the Tenant.  1 set of keys to the Apartment shall be kept by the Landlord in a sealed and signed by the Tenant tube. Access to the set kept by the Lessor shall be carried out exclusively in the presence of the Lessee or the Permanent Residents, except as provided for in this Agreement.

2.5. The Tenant is prohibited from unauthorisedly changing the door lock.  

2.6 The Landlord has the right to access the Apartment in the absence of the Tenant, Permanent Residents, Long-term Residents, Temporary Residents in case of a threat of accident, damage or other event that has caused (may cause) damage to the Apartment and the Property.


3.1 The Tenant is obliged to register with the Landlord, including by entering information into the concierge service registers, all Long-term residents, Temporary residents, visitors, Tenant’s guests, etc.

3.2. To obtain the written consent of the Landlord to hold any events in the apartment with the involvement of animators, noise and visual means, events that may violate the moral principles of society and sanitary and epidemiological standards. 

3.3 The Tenant is obliged to strictly comply with sanitary norms, fire safety rules, safety requirements, rules for the use of heat and electricity, as well as other existing rules and regulations when using the Apartment, to prevent overloading of the power supply networks, to prevent clogging of the sewage system. The Tenant shall be financially liable to the Landlord for damages caused to the Landlord or third parties by non-compliance with the above rules and regulations or failure to comply (improper compliance) with the terms of this Agreement;

3.4 The Lessee shall use the equipment and other property located in the Apartment in accordance with their intended purpose and in compliance with the rules of operation of such equipment and property;

3.5. The Tenant is obliged to ensure the safety of the Apartment and the Property owned by the Landlord and located in the Apartment, the safety of engineering networks, communications and equipment of the Apartment and the Property transferred together with the Apartment;

3.6. The Tenant is prohibited from smoking (including electronic cigarettes, vapes, hookahs) in the Apartment, on balconies and common areas in the Building, except for specially designated places.

3.7. The Tenant shall notify the Landlord of the conclusion of any agreements with third parties that will have access to the common areas of the Building and the Apartment (for cleaning the Apartment, engaging animators, event hosts, catering, babysitting, delivery services, etc.) and obtain the Landlord’s permission, if provided for by the concluded Lease Agreement. 

3.8. The Tenant shall immediately notify the Landlord of any damage, accidents or other events that have caused (may cause) damage to the Apartment and the Property, as well as take all possible measures to prevent damage (destruction) of the Apartment and the Property in a timely manner. If the Apartment and/or the Property have been partially damaged, destroyed or affected by other external factors, as a result of actions or inaction of the Tenant, Permanent Residents, Long-term Residents, Temporary Residents, visitors, Tenant’s invitees, etc., the Tenant shall reimburse the Landlord’s expenses for the elimination of such losses within five banking days from the date of submission of the invoice and copies of the relevant documents confirming the expenses by the Landlord.

3.9. The Tenant is obliged to carry out high-quality cleaning inside the Apartment at his/her own expense, as well as to remove waste and garbage arising in the Apartment.


4.1 The Tenant is prohibited from keeping animals in the Apartment, except as provided for in the Lease Agreement.

4.2 The Tenant is obliged to comply with the rules for keeping animals provided for in the concluded Lease Agreement and these rules.

4.3. The Tenant is obliged to walk the Permitted Animals outside the territory of the residential complex. Before entering the Building with the animal, wash the paws of the Permitted Animals in a specially designated place, if it is equipped.

4.4. The Tenant shall ensure that the Permitted Animals do not make excessive noise, barking, whining, etc.

4.5. The Tenant is obliged to ensure that the surfaces of the Apartment and the Property, as well as common areas, are free from scratches, excrement and other dirt, odours from the Permitted Animals.


5.1. The Tenant is prohibited from carrying out any work in the Apartment. It is forbidden to carry out maintenance and repair works of the Apartment and the Property located in the Apartment. It is prohibited to drill, nail, paint, paste, adjust, repair, or paste any surfaces of the Apartment and the Property, including window glass and window frames.

5.2. The Landlord shall carry out maintenance and repair works of the Apartment and the Property within the terms and procedure stipulated in the Landlord’s Regulations on such works.

5.3. The Landlord has the right to determine the date and time of current and major repairs of the Apartment with a written notice to the Tenant about such repairs 1 (one) calendar month before the start of such repairs. To demand from the Tenant to suspend the use of the Apartment for the period of such repairs, and, if necessary, to free the Apartment from the Tenant’s property for the period of such repairs, and the Tenant shall not be charged for the rent for the time when the Tenant is deprived of the opportunity to use the Apartment on this basis.

5.4. The Tenant is obliged, in case of receiving a written notice from the Landlord about the overhaul or current repair, to suspend the use of the Apartment for the period of such repair, and, if necessary, to free the Apartment from the property belonging to him/her for the period of such repair.


6.1. The Landlord shall provide round-the-clock security of the Building and the outer perimeter of the Building, which includes only the installation and operation of the security alarm and video surveillance of the outer perimeter, a single security alarm for the premises of the Building, and the use of services of companies providing security services.

6.2. The obligation of the Lessor to provide security does not include ensuring the safety of the property in the Apartment. The Landlord is not responsible for any accidental or intentional loss or damage to the property in the Apartment. Such liability must be ensured by the Tenant in insurance contracts or other similar agreements and cannot be imposed on the Landlord in any way.

6.3. During business hours, the Landlord shall ensure that the general order is maintained and that the security services of the Building respond to possible violations in the common areas of the Building.

6.4. The Tenant shall take all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure the safety of the Apartment, persons and property in the Apartment at any time.

6.5. The Tenant shall be solely responsible for compliance with the requirements of the Landlord or applicable law regarding security in the Apartment. The Tenant shall be liable to any third parties and the Landlord itself who suffered as a result of the Tenant’s failure to comply with such requirements. 

6.6. The Tenant is responsible for the safety of the Apartment and the Property owned by the Landlord and located in the Apartment.


7.1. The rules of residence in the residential complex come into force from the date of their publication on the website 

7.2. The Landlord has the right to amend the Residential Code, subject to their mandatory publication in a new version on the website, the rules shall be deemed effective from the moment of their publication on the above website.